Saturday, 26 January 2013

"The more a man looks, the fussier he gets"

Whilst passing my 100th hour of looking at floor plans, elevations and 3D renderings, I got to thinking about one of my favourite outdoors men, (no not Bear) Dick Proenneke.
The title of this post is a quote from his film 'Alone in the wilderness'. An absolute must for anyone who enjoys nature, on any level, and if your into hand tools and old trades and the skill of an individual than you simply must watch this film.

Get your hands on the whole thing if you can or ask to borrow mine.

Liza and I have began getting bogged down in interiors at the moment and it hit me.
"The more a man looks the fussier he gets." (dick whilst searching for a building site for his log cabin)

So here are the floor plans as they stand tonight:

Ground Floor

First Floor
Please take a look over these two plans and if you have any constructive feedback it would be appreciated.
Make your suggestion in the comments below and I'll take a look at it. I've been alerted to one already and its the Laundry and the WC, the door and the washer will not work (wrong size) Thanks Dad ;)

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