Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces. I would still plant my apple tree.
Guess what? Yeah, we planted our apple trees, a Granny Smith, a heirloom something something red? some citrus, including a lime, a lemon, an orange, and a williams pear.
We lost light whilst planting so didn't bother with putting the protective net around and in short order, wouldn't you know it, by the next morning the lime and lemon where reduced to twigs! I hope they come back once spring returns.
My mum and dad visited in the school holidays and helped us nut out a few issues with our plans, which are getting closer all of the time (Thanks dad). We all got stuck into clearing the house plot somewhat, felling two trees and removing about three tones of granite boulders, that will go into our garden wall.
Nanny did some knitting whilst she was down and you can see the picture of my youngest in her new outfit, thanks (mum)