Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Don't tell me the moon is shining,

Don't tell me the moon is shining, show me the glint of light on broken glass.

Yesterday I took apart the first window to make some repairs and ease the springs in the sash.

Below is a pictorial of each step I went through. 

That was months ago...
Today I reassembled the frame and well, I'll let you be the judge I think it looks, um, the same. That is to say that it looks old.
Not sure if I'm going to bother with the rest or just scrape the back and paint right over the bad bits and be done with it.

Monday, 22 April 2013

There are many things of which

There are many things of which a wise man might wish to be ignorant

Like the true weight of my trailer yesterday!

Overloaded you might say?
No, you're never overloaded when you save about 15K.
Well that's the idea any way... 20 hours of scrapping and stripping, repairs and some glazing putty later I might have another idea, but for now we have more than half our windows sorted.
We deem it important to get the windows first as we need to know the sizes of opening for the plans and the BASIX certification too.

Glad to have them all home and safe in the shed.

Below are some pictures of the outside white and inside brown.
Also a long awaited replacement a LN #7

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Taking the black.

Well yesterday we finally settled on the land! It was such a long settlement owing to red tape at the titles office. There was no problem with the subdivision from the vendor, it just takes that long, seemingly.

As some readers are aware we hosted end if term drinks up on the block, and the positive feedback was very welcome! (Thank you all) It is so reassuring to know that everyone sees the beauty of our garden, as we do.

News regarding the house it's self is the architect has completed copying my drawings, the engineers drawings will be ready today(ish) and our house plans have passed the BASIX certification. Easy too.
Thus the development application should be ready to submit by next week!
Allowing for 6 long weeks in council means that we could possibly commence in as little (or long) 7 weeks.

I spent the afternoon up at the block this afternoon continuing on the wall. It's such a big undertaking that I'm considering "taking the black" so I may devote myself to the wall and joining the nights watch. (Game of Thrones nerd reference)

Also this week we committed to buying a stack of windows from the central coast.
Second hand of course! That seem like that will be great, the last picture below shows the top light. They are western red cedar, double hung sash windows with glazing bars and a leaded high light about with some stained glass. We love the idea of them, time will tell if stripping, repainting and balancing sash is worth all the effort.
Apparently these windows came out of a local public school which explains there size ( they are massive, at 2600mm high)
There are only a few schools in the area where they are from so for the story's sake I'll say they came out of Shelly Beach Public School?

Countries go to war over the love of ideas, I figure that I should at least be able to bring these windows back to life.